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HomeDigital TransformationHow To Manage Digital Transformation Like A Pro

How To Manage Digital Transformation Like A Pro

Enterprises today need to realize there are certain steps they need to follow to achieve true digital transformation and maintain a high level of success. 

In other words, when a company decides to implement digital transformation, a strategic plan must be followed to make the whole vision come to fulfilment.

The right people must be brought on board and these people must be skilled in the areas for which they are responsible. The whole company needs to be involved from top tier management all the way down to the mailroom department. 

Each level of the company must be communicating with one another continually. One department alone cannot be responsible for the success of ongoing digital transformation. Everyone in the company has a part to play. 

In this article, we’ll discuss some considerations that will help your enterprise to know how to manage digital transformation

What does digital transformation include?

First, let’s look at what comes under digital transformation.

Before a company manages digital transformation, they need to know what to manage. More and more these days, the duties of leading digital transformation fall to one person — the Digital Transformation Manager. However, as previously mentioned, it requires commitment from everybody.

This person or team of people is responsible for setting in place the basic infrastructure of the digital transformation process. This could include key elements such as: implementation of new software and hardware, digital asset management systems, and CRM. 

Business leaders must communicate with team members and impart the vision for digital transformation success, inspiring and motivating them to commit to the process. 

Clear and constant communication between all moving parts is essential. 

A critical aspect of understanding how to manage digital transformation is being selective about what digital tools you put in place to facilitate the process, and how to ensure they’re used to full effect. 

How well your digital tools are adopted is central to the success of your digital transformation. You might have to consider developing training modules and an internal communications plan, for instance.

How to manage digital transformation in 4 steps

There is plenty of guidance out there to help a company to successfully handle a complex digital transformation undertaking. But let us state one crucial fact that should open your eyes to the reality of how to manage digital transformation.

“Despite knowledge of the integral elements of a successful digital transformation, a recent survey by Couchbase uncovered a nearly 90 percent failure rate by CIOs and technology leaders who have tried to execute digital transformation initiatives.”

CMS Wire

Incorporating elements of change management can improve your chances of success. Here’s a 4 step process to follow:

1. Define the vision and parameters of transformation    

Hold regular vision meetings with integral players in the process to discuss and refine the vision and change it where needed.

Make sure meetings are scheduled to discuss the management of the process and progress that is being made.

Establish workshops to get insights relating to your goals, strategies, research, etc. Apply a laser focus to ensure the transformation moves in the right direction.

2. Design the digital transformation roadmap

This is the stage where the process is finalized in theory and is ready to be implemented. Some areas may need to be polished and a certain amount of flexibility will need to be retained in then plan to account for testing and adjustment.

Solidify your digital transformation team’s roles, identify potential roadblocks and back-up plans where needed. 

Define a measurement plan, develop your content, communications and culture strategy, and design a training plan.

3. Build your team and tool box 

Once the organization reaches this stage, it’s time to start resourcing your team and toolbox. Decide on what agency and/or software partners you’re going to use. Liaise together in a shared project management setting.

Meet with product teams and developers to align your transformation efforts with developmental realities. Hold feedback sessions to make sure the digital transformation process in on track and in line with company goals.

4. Launch and monitor

The biggest step of all is launching the digital transformation process. Before you do, make sure you have covered off the key points in this checklist:

1. Formulate a digital statement that articulates your goals and methods to achieve those goals.

2. Find your key stakeholders and get them on board early for your chances of success to be much greater.

3. Set up a center of operations within the company to spearhead the transformation process and monitor its progress.

4. Keep records of any problems with the process. Record employee grievances, resistance to change, and retiring of traditional business methods.

These are the foundations of any digital transformation effort but are quite often forgotten.

So, you wanted to know how to manage digital transformation — now you do. But remember, the above considerations must be addressed at length and implemented thoroughly to avoid failure. 

Everybody in the company must be on board for the transformation to be successful. Don’t be in the 90% of companies that fail at digital transformation. Use a Digital Adoption Solution to maximize your chances of success and eliminate resistance to new technology. 

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